You better not pout, I'm telling you why;
Elder Oaks is coming to tooooowwwwn.
He actually already came.
That's right folks, on Saturday every missionary in South Texas met together with an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was incredible and inspiring. I learned so much. I even learned that Elder Oaks is a goofball. He may seem serious and stern during general conference, but he told us that's because when you're talking to about 3 million people, and you have the first presidency sitting right behind you, you're not gonna crack a giggle.
Also, due to a series of unpredictable events, I ended up at the Maluenda's house for a while Friday afternoon, helping Sister Maluenda set the table and make tamales for Elder Oaks's first dinner in McAllen. That was intimidating. I've never put so much care into folding a napkin before.
Elder Oaks's main focus for his mind blowing meeting was revelation and inspiration. What I learned more than anything was that God is almost constantly giving us guidance and direction; that's what the gift of the Holy Ghost is for. What keeps us from realizing this and recognizing the promptings is just our lack of faith. We need to truly believe that God is trying to communicate, because 1) we can't hear the Spirit if our heads are full of doubts and worries, and 2) true faith will motivate us to act, be obedient, and truly seek out the inspiration we're looking for.
On Sunday I convinced Eric, our investigator, to come to church by making him PB&J's. That was a first.
Sorry no pictures this week. Here's an emoticon instead: ___/\__*\o/*__
That's right folks. A shark attacking a cheerleader.
For those in the Northeast, try not to get stuck in a block of ice, since if you leave the world in our hands you may not like the future you end up waking up to when you're discovered and thawed out 100 years from now.
That's all, folks! Love ya!
~Elder Dylan Young