May 12, 2014
So whasup?
The highlight of this week was of course being able to Skype with my wonderful amazing family for Mother's Day. It was quite a marvelous few minutes. We laughed, we cried. We were all really moved. And I'm happy to report that they're all doing well, even if my hermanitos (that means little siblings) are growing up way too fast.
So last week after emailing, E kidnapped us and took us out to eat (he does that sometimes). We went to an Asian buffet, so naturally I tried a baby octopus. No matter how much I kept chewing, those little suckers kept grabbing my tongue. I think I'll stick with Mexican food, even if we have to eat cow intestine soup every once in a while.
After that we drove over to the Third (trimonthly?) Mission Olympics against the rest of the zone. We did silly things like push a truck around and sing a song about cricket (the weird British sport) in Spanish.
Friday night there was an awesome thunderstorm.
On Saturday there was a mother's day activity at the church. We (the missionaries) sang some of the children's songs about Madres with Elder P on the guitar. Nobody really paid attention. (Just kidding. Some people paid attention.)
AWESOME MIRACLE: We were pulling up to the gas station to take a potty break (yes, even missionaries have to potty). As we got out of the car, there was a guy on his way out who stopped us and said "you guys are Mormons, right?" He told us how he's been thinking for a few years about joining the church, and wanted to meet the missionaries before he just showed up out of the blue on Sunday. So we sent his information off to the Edinburgh missionaries. Isn't is super-special-awesome how God works everything out? Hopefully I meet him again someday.
Weekly message: Hope. One of the many greatest things about following Christ and His teachings is how much hope it can bring to us. No matter how much things can suck sometimes, those who have faith in Christ can always find "hope for a better world" and the strength to keep going with a smile on their face. Everyone should read this great talk by Elder Maxwell:
He is an Apostle, after all. Also, there's this awesome song that's called something like "Hello, My Name is Hope." You'll know it when you find it.
In other news, Elder P has been going through a bag of spinach every week because he feels fat. Ha ha.
I love you all so dearly.
Elder Dylan Young
"I feel it in my soul!
Not even border patrol can
Keep me from going,
The organ's blowing,
Won't go inactive!
I'm staying active!"Elder P. is a silly man. |