The guy sitting next to me in the library is blasting music through his headphones really loud... and singing along.
On Tuesday we had interviews with Presidente Maluenda! Those were super cool and inspired. I went last. Afterward one of the zone leaders, Elder M, came with us. We had a blast, played some 4-man pros-baseball. The member who works at Church's Chicken gave us the "LDS Discount" so we had fried chicken and honey-butter biscuits for days.
Wednesday nothing particularly exciting happened, though we did stop for malts at Whataburger.
On Thursday we helped someone dig a stump out of his yard and found a crazy underground spider trying to kill us. We showed it who's boss. Then we barbecued a little bit while listening to general conference since he was out of town that weekend. And then my companion decapitated me before we left.
On Friday I napped during lunch hour. It was nice.
On Saturday we stopped by a Welcome Back thing for a missionary who just returned from serving in California. When he talked about when the Stake President told him to take of his name tag, we the missionaries collectively shivered.
Sunday was great.
Favorite fun-time activity: watch Elder Zivic's talk on lds.org in American Sign Language. You won't be disappointed:
This morning right as P-day was starting, the one and only Eloy knocked on our door and took us for breakfast tacos. Then we helped him feed his goats. I forgot how funny goats are when they yell. Now I have all those YouTube videos with the Taylor Swift song and the yelling goats going through my head.
So basically you're all my favorites, I don't care if the dictionary says that's not how the word "favorite" works.
Con mucho cariƱo,
Elder Young
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One of the advantages of having two mattresses! |
¡Hola familia!
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Tortilla Recipe! |
Thanks for the Easter Box! I already ate all the candy. The 12 Eggs of Easter are awesome, we open one every night before we go to bed.
I forgot to bring my notes from conference, so I can't remember which talks these were, but I do remember that some of the Apostles gave 2 super specific commitments for everyone, and being a missionary, commitments really stick.
1) That every member should invite someone to talk with the missionaries at least 4 times a year, once a quarter.
2) Everyone should be reading and studying Preach My Gospel, especially the families with missionaries, so that they can be more familiar with how the work of the Lord is being done.
Other than that, I know that just about everyone talked a lot about love. What it means to love, what love can do, and how much more God loves us than we can understand.
Life's going good. Thank you all for working so hard to follow the Lord. You're all such a great example for me! Love you!!!
~Elder Young